应地球科学学院刘勇胜教授和地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室胡兆初教授的邀请,奥地利莱奥本大学Thomas Meisel教授,来我校...
应地球科学学院汪在聪教授的邀请,德国汉诺威大学Stefan Weyer教授和Marina Lazarov研究员将来我校进行学术交流,并做学术报...
应地球科学学院刘勇胜教授邀请,美国北卡罗莱纳大学(Chapel Hill分校)刘晓明老师来我校访问并做学术交流。 报告题目:Geo-a...
报告题目:1、Dehydration of subducting oceanic slabs: flow structures, mechanisms and rates;2、Slab dehydration: che...
报告题目:Determination of the isotopic composition of iridium using MC-ICPMS
报告题目:“The relationship between alkaline magma generation and the stability of continental lithosphere”
报告题目:The Redox “Filter” beneath Magmatic Orogens and the origin of continental crust
报告题目为“Glacial Diamictites and the Evolving Composition of the Upper Continental Crust”
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