E-mail: yukaizhang@126.com. Kaizhang Yu is a post doctorate from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He has obtained PhD from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 2021 (supervisor: Yongsheng Liu). His research interests include: (1) alkaline rocks which are relevant to the crust–mantle interaction and global carbon cycling; (2) magmatic processes of the granitoids; (3) application o...
Email: yuanyu@cug.edu.cn. I got both my bachelor and doctor degrees on geochemistry at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 2013 and 2019, respectively. I was a visiting Ph.D student at Monash University during Oct. 2018 to Sep. 2019. After my Ph.D, I got a post-doctoral position at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). My research interests include 1) formation and evolution of the continental crust and 2) the linkage between petrogenesis of granitoids and accretionary orogen.
EMAIL: jb_zhang@126.com. EDUCATION: Ph.D., Geochemistry, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Jun 2014. RESEARCHINTERESTS: I use isotope and trace-element/first-series-transition-element geochemistry, petrology, field geology and simple geodynamic models to investigate the physical and chemical processes and the evolution of the Earth’s crust and mantle. PUBLICATIONS: 3 first-author papers published in Geology, GCA and JAES.
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